

The Kisha band's concert is designed as a sound journey of music coming from grandma's radio. A group of international musicians will prepare a concert for us with the help of the mysticism of the Hungarian language, which, with the strong support of visualizations, will take us into the magical world of the music of the Kisha project. They take care of Kisha's media visibility...

Important information
Flower shop, Kranjčeva 20, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
10 euros in advance.

The Kisha band's concert is designed as a sound journey of music coming from grandma's radio. A group of international musicians will prepare a concert for us with the help of the mysticism of the Hungarian language, which, with the strong support of visualizations, will take us into the magical world of the music of the Kisha project. The media recognition of Kisha is mainly ensured by the charismatic beauty and singer Anđa Marić and harmonica player Janez Dovč, who wins the hearts of listeners with his virtuosity and unique appearance. They will present their debut album called A'njar. A suitable introduction to the concert atmosphere and conclusion will be provided by the DJ, while the DJ will take care of the visual image.

Jinx in Stuk

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