

Violeta Tomič, actress and producer of the new future hit Kuhn, says that for a long time she was looking for a text that would be socially engaged, so that it would speak to us about ourselves and the everyday hardships of today's people. The search result is the Australian black comedy Kitchen, adapted for ...

Important information
Siti Teater, Mercurius Hall, BTC Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
From 13.50 to 15 euros

Violeta Tomič, actress and producer of Kuhn's new future hit, says it is for a long time I was looking for a text that would be socially engaged, so that it would talk to us about ourselves and the everyday hardships of today's people. The result of the search is the Australian black comedy Kitchen, adapted for our space, which combines topicality and even edification, but despite all the hard work, it still remains a comedy. 

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