
WHEN POP meets classic

Classical music was once the pop music of its time and thus meant for entertainment. The first...

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Kinodvor - Municipal cinema, Kolodvorska 13, Ljubljana
Facebook event
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Classical music was once the pop music of its time and thus meant for entertainment. The first stars in music were Franz Liszt and Nicola Paganini, and their concerts were similar to today's pop-rock concerts, where the audience fell into a trance. Many Slovenian pop musicians have a classical music education, they still appreciate classical music and listen to it often, but have abandoned it for various reasons, but it nevertheless represents the basis for their creation.

As the protagonists of the documentary, the creators chose eight of the most prominent Slovenian pop musicians who started their musical career in classical music. They talk about their experiences in a relaxed way Jan Plestenjak, Neisha, Omar Naber, Brigita Šuler, Raay, Matjaž Vlašič, Boštjan Gombač, Matjaž Robavs from the group Eroika and DJ Umek. Broadcast with the help of a moderator Juret Godler it gently and gradually introduces the viewer to the rich world of classical music through different periods, and at the same time dispels prejudices about classical music, which the musicians explain all the time with interesting stories, anecdotes and performances of the most well-known classical works.


DJ Umek arranged a classic hit for this show - Vivaldi's Four Seasons.
The show is enriched by interesting and varied locations such as the Slovenian Philharmonic, Strunjan salt pans, the Impressionist collection of the National Gallery, Stiška church, Tivoli and many others.

The show will premiere on December 27 at 9 p.m. on the 2nd program of Television Slovenia

Editor of the show: Daniel Celarec

Screenwriters: Daniel Celarec and Aleš Žemlja

Director: Aleš Žemlja

Manager: Jure Godler

Director of photography and videographer: Pavel Jurca

Cinematographer: Uroš Hočevar

Editor: Milan Milosevic

Sound designer and sound processing: Igor Burnič

Producer of the show: Sara K. Martinuč

Editorial producer: Tanja Likeb

Editorial editor: Danica Dolinar


Television Slovenia, Editorial Board for Serious Music and Ballet, 2010


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