
Kobi - a robot that cuts grass, blows leaves and shovels snow for you!

The Kobi modular robot mows, blows leaves, and does the cutting.

Not exactly keen on mowing the grass, raking leaves and tearing up? Then Kobi is perfect for you. This modular robot cuts the grass, removes leaves and shovels snow by itself. And believe me, it will fit perfectly with the robotic vacuum cleaner you already have at home.

Robotic lawn mowers they are not new and are a logical continuation of robotic vacuum cleaners. But now there is a new species in this evolution. Kobi. Robot, all-season modular robot, who knows mowing and mulching the grass, shoveling snow, and in the fall you can give him a task, yes fluffs and crushes leaves. You can put the lawnmower, rake and snow shovel to rest, as you will no longer need them.

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Kobi works on the principle of robotic lawnmowers and vacuum cleaners. It has three attachments – for mowing, blowing leaves and shoveling snow. For its movement, it relies on digital map, before you send him on a mission, he needs to be given instructions, namely, through a dedicated application, set physical boundaries, obstacles and the place where he throws leaves or snow. From here on the Kobi, which is equipped with GPS technology and sensors, he does everything himself.

Kobi will be loved by everyone who doesn't have the time and/or the will to mow, rake and tear.
Kobi will be loved by everyone who doesn't have the time and/or the will to mow, rake and tear.

Weekly/daily or he mows grass, grinds or blows leaves if desired, and in winter you can order him to do so breaks up the driveway or sidewalk In front of the house.

He knows when he has to do it, because he monitors weather reports. That way, you will always have a clean driveway in the morning and you won't waste precious time tearing it up. Snow can fall on twelve meter pile! You can even install it winter tires!

It moves at a speed of 3 km/h and charges itself, because it knows when it's running out of power. He can take care of 28 thousand square meters lawn, cleans leaves on 12 thousand square meters of surface, and snow on 1500 m2. For this kind of 'supporting laziness' it will be necessary to deduct approx. 3650 euros.

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