
Cycling without borders

LTO Kranjska Gora is organizing a group cycling event as part of the Cycling Without Borders event in cooperation with Tarvisio and Arnoldstein. The group start will be at 10:30 in front of the Kompas Hotel in Kranjska Gora. At the end, there will be a social gathering in Tarvisio, and participation is ...

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LTO Kranjska Gora organizira družno kolesarjenje v okviru dogodka Kolesarjenje brez meja v sodelovanju s Trbižem in Arnoldsteinom. Skupinski start bo ob 10.30 izpred Hotela Kompas v Kranjski Gori. Na koncu sledi družabno srečanje na Trbižu, udeležba pa je brezplačna. 

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