
Miodrag Spasić concert

In 2004, Miodrag Spasić won the prestigious title of the first accordionist of Serbia and has already been declared the first accordionist of Vojvodina six times. His repertoire includes mostly Serbian traditional music, which he will also present at this year's edition of Nights in Old Ljubljana 2012. More info at: ...

Important information
Dvorni bar, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free!

Miodrag Spasić je leta 2004 osvojil prestižni naziv prva harmonika Srbije in bil že šestkrat razglašen za prvo harmoniko Vojvodine. Njegov repertoar vključuje večinoma srbsko tradicijsko glasbo, ki jo bo predstavil tudi na letošnji ediciji Noči v Stari Ljubljani 2012.

Več info na: http://www.imagosloveniae.net/

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