
Concert: Pablo Guevara, flamenco guitar; Rafael Tejada, percussion

Pablo Guevara is a unique guitarist who will present himself with original compositions of fiery flamenco, which was laid in his cradle by his father's Roma origin. Born in Brazil, he has been traveling the world for quite some time. At the concert in Celje, he will be joined by Spanish percussionist Rafael Tejada. For Abonma plus and...

Important information
Celjski dom, Krekov trg 3, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
15 €

Pablo Guevara je edinstven kitarist, ki se bo predstavil z avtorskimi skladbami ognjevitega flamenka, ki mu ga je v zibel položilo očetovo romsko poreklo. Rojen v Braziliji, že kar nekaj časa potuje po svetu. Na koncertu v Celju se mu bo pridružil španski tolkalist Rafael Tejada.

Za Abonma plus in izven (15 €).
Vstopnice so naprodaj v TIC Celje (pon. – pet. med 9. in 17. ter v soboto med 9. in 13. uro) ter uro pred koncertom v Celjskem domu.


More information:
TIC Celje, Krekov trg 3, 03 428 79 36, tic@celje.si, www.celeia.info

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