
Kormaran K7: luxury personal "multi-vessel"

Kormaran K7

Making the right decision is always complicated. You have to weigh the pros and cons and finally make a decision and then live with that decision. You're in luck with the Kormaran K7, because this decision will be quite simple. You can choose from a catamaran, trimaran, hydrofoil or private sun platform, all in one unique, luxurious package.

Helmsman comes from Salzburg, around which we find a large number of lakes, on which they could thoroughly test it. You only need to press a button and the Kormaran K7 turns into one of them four ways of use. When it has its water "skis" close to the hull, it can be used as a normal speedboat or as a slightly larger jet ski. When we extend the skis, we ride like on a catamaran, and when we want even higher speeds, we press the button again and the K7 transforms into a hydrofoil. If we just want to rest and indulge in the sun, we turn Kormarana into luxury sun deck. This has a surface covered with special teak reinforced with carbon fibers.

To transform between different modes of use it has 7.1 meters long Helmsman hydraulic system, which is made of stainless steel and titanium. The hydrofoil drive mode system is available for an extra charge and boosts the Kormoran's power from 310 to 510 horsepower. With the additional upgrade of all three engines, the final power can be raised to enviable levels 900 horsepower. Kormaran's top speed is between 10 and 70 km/h, which of course depends on the method of use. The maximum distance you can travel with a full tank of fuel is 200 kilometers, which is more than enough for our small sea.


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