
Carinthian ethno jazz project

The Carinthian Ethno Jazz Project is the first Carinthian jazz music-visual event, which will serve with the processing of Carinthian folk songs and the associated video projection. The basic melody calls out for the addition of new phrases and invites rhythmic, melodic or even harmonic treatment. The following will perform: Sašo Vollmaier, ...

Important information
KMKC Complex, Čečovje 5, Ravne na Koroškem
Facebook event
Entrance fee
8 euros.

The Carinthian Ethno Jazz Project is the first Carinthian jazz music-visual event, which will serve with the processing of Carinthian folk songs and the associated video projection. The basic melody calls out for the addition of new phrases and invites rhythmic, melodic or even harmonic treatment. The following will perform: Sašo Vollmaier, Samo Kolar, Vid Jamnik, Matic Črešnik, Matjaž Mlakar, Benjamin Pirnat, Jure Praper and Zdovč's daughters: Emica, Cecilija, Bernarda and Terezija.

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