
A royal affair

Denmark at the end of the 18th century. The beautiful and educated fifteen-year-old princess Karolina Matilda comes to the Danish court to become the wife of the mentally ill and depraved young king Christian VII. Shortly after the birth of their first child, the free-spirited Johann Friedrich Struensee was appointed personal physician to the king. Struensee, the idealist...

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Danska ob koncu 18. stoletja. Lepa in izobražena petnajstletna princesa Karolina Matilda pride na danski dvor za ženo duševno bolnemu in razvratnemu mlademu kralju Kristjanu VII. Kmalu po rojstvu njunega prvega otroka je za kraljevega osebnega zdravnika imenovan svobodomiselni Johann Friedrich Struensee. Struensee, idealist in vizionarski privrženec razsvetljenstva, si hitro pridobi kraljevo naklonjenost, v osamljeni kraljici pa najde sorodno dušo in politično zaveznico. Med njima se razvname strastna in prepovedana ljubezen, ki za vedno spremeni zgodovino naroda.

To so 40.

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