
KUD Coda – Dude, tune in! (3rd concert)

The third concert as part of the project 'Dude, tune in!' will be even crazier and louder.

Important information
Club MC Pekarna, Ob Železnica 16, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

The third concert as part of the project 'Dude, tune in!' will be even crazier and louder.

The students of KUD Coda will again be joined on stage by their musician parents. Even grandparents will play along with them! 🙂 To make the evening even more unforgettable, we invited members of the group Happy ol' McWeasel, Gušti and Recycleman (ex Ali En) to participate. 

We believe that this time it will be crazy good again, and in this video you can see how cool we had at the second concert:www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrMt6Au3NVI

Of course, there is no entrance fee! 🙂

The project 'Dude, tune in!' is based on connecting parents of KUD Coda students and prominent Slovenian musicians with participants in regular KUD Coda programs. The message of the project is that music is a vast sphere that requires a lot of work, discipline, self-control, learning new, unknown things, which ultimately rewards you with the most ecstatic feeling possible and with the best and most universal way of communication and expression.

Coda Cultural Art Society (KUD Coda) is an institution whose purpose is to offer a credible, and above all, a different (alternative) form of musical education for children and youth. The association's activities include individual music workshops and group play, the essence of which is to connect students into groups and accustom them to group work and music making. 


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