
Kudos Gaming

A Speedlink mouse named Kudos Gaming. In addition to the name, it is really distinguished by its superior construction, as it is intended for either professional use or (professional) gaming. It is characterized by accuracy, responsiveness, 9 adjustable buttons, selection of sensor resolution (up to 5000 dpi, more than 50 ...

A Speedlink mouse named Kudos Gaming. In addition to the name, it is really distinguished by its superior construction, as it is intended for either professional use or (professional) gaming. It is characterized by accuracy, responsiveness, 9 adjustable buttons, selection of sensor resolution (up to 5000 dpi, more than 50 levels of settings), 16 bit data channel for changes on-the-fly, 4D-wheel, choice of weighting, if we stop only at the most important positive aspects of the "pro-rodent".
Price: 49 euros, available at www.mojcomp.net, or MojComp, Cesta na Brdo 147, Ljubljana


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