
KulArt – urban art with Frey Wille

The beautiful ambience of Filip's mansion and Lolita pastry shop hosted urban art as part of the City events - KulArt event. So we were able to indulge in the masters of transformation in the Make-up designory style corner and admire the collection on elegant models...

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The wonderful ambience of Philip's Manor and confectionery Lolita hosted urban art as part of the event City events – KulArt. So we were able to indulge in the transformation masters in the style corner Make-up designer and admired the collection on elegant models Hundertwasser jewelry brand Frey Wille. To top it all off, it's with the sounds flautist Asja Grauf and sweet vices Lolita's confectioners representative of the Frey Wille brand presented three lucky women with jewelry and scarves from the aforementioned collection.

Photo: Ana Če, www.anacephoto.com.br

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