
Culinary and wine

In November, the atmosphere of the martini festival, traditionally reserved for the wine regions, will also be present in the center of the capital. At three events, we will be able to taste the best that autumn brings. The wine route will come to life on November 6 in almost all the streets, passages, bridges and squares of the old town, when...

Important information
staro mestno jedro, Hotel Union, Miklošičeva 1, in Hotel Slon, Slovenska 34, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Novembra bo vzdušje martinovanja, tradicionalno rezervirano za vinske okoliše, prisotno tudi v središču prestolnice. Na treh prireditvah bomo lahko okusili najboljše, kar prinaša jesen. Vinska pot bo zaživela 6. novembra na skoraj vseh ulicah, prehodih, mostovih in trgih starega jedra, ko se bodo predstavili gostilničarji in vinarji s svojimi produkti. 18. in 19. novembra bosta izbiro popestrila še Slovenski festival vin in Festival kulinarike. Namenjena sta poglabljanju poznavanja o vinu in visoke gurmanske ponudbe ter “poroki” med vinom in hrano. 


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