
The culture of the elderly - a tour guide for the younger: with volunteer cultural mediators in the National Museum of Slovenia

We invite you to join us at the National Museum of Slovenia - Prešernov on the "Day for Change" on Wednesday, March 24, 2010, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., which is organized by Slovenian Philanthropy, an association for the promotion of volunteerism. Cultural mediators will guide visitors through the permanent exhibition Slovenian Language: Identity...

Important information
National Museum of Slovenia - Prešernova, Prešernova 20, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Vabimo Vas, da se nam v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije – Prešernova pridružite ob “Dnevu za spremembe”, v sredo, 24. marca 2010, med 10. in 14. uro, ki je v organizaciji Slovenske filantropije, združenja za promocijo prostovoljstva. Kulturni mediatorji bodo obiskovalce popeljali po stalni razstavi Slovenski jezik: Identiteta in simbol. Kratka zgodovina Slovencev, ki predstavlja zgodovino Slovencev od naselitve Slovanov do danes. Program je brezplačen.

You are welcome!

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