
Kung Fu Panda 2

From June 9, families looking for laughter and fun will be in for a treat, as they will be delighted by the second part of the animated family comedy adventure Kung Fu Panda 2. The main actor of the film, the clumsy panda Pu, who wants to become a kung fu fighter, has already in the first part of the film, following a web of amusing circumstances...

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From June 9, families looking for laughter and fun will be in for a treat, as they will be delighted by the second part of the animated family comedy adventure Kung Fu Panda 2. The main actor of the film, the clumsy panda Pu, who wants to become a kung fu fighter, has already in the first part of the film, after a series of amusing circumstances, he finds himself in the world of martial arts. In the sequel, he guards the Valley of Peace with his friends, great kung fu masters. But the panda is once again put to the test when he must discover and use all his mysterious powers.

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