

The Festival of Young Cultures brings together the production of unconventional and more or less independent cultural and artistic practices, and consists of concerts, graffiti, dance, music and multimedia workshops. We will not be surprised by theatrical events, street art, exhibitions, installations and various ...

Important information
Titov trg, Škalsko in Velenjsko jezero ter druge lokacije, Velenje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Festival mladih kultur združuje produkcijo nekonvencionalnih in bolj ali manj neodvisnih kulturno-umetniških praks, sestavljajo pa ga koncerti, grafitarske, plesne, glasbene in multimedijske delavnice. Presenetili nas ne bodo niti gledališki dogodki, ulična umetnost, razstave, inštalacije in različni performansi. 

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