
Lacoste replaced his crocodile with an endangered animal species

The Lacoste company is well known to everyone for its logo, which depicts a crocodile. At least for a while, this animal will say goodbye. It will be replaced by images of endangered animal species.

Pi To Lacoste in this way, they want to offer help to those who need it the most - endangered animals.

Interestingly, the logo has not changed even once since the company was founded in 1933. Lacoste has always presented itself with green crocodiles. Buyers will thus have the opportunity to buy Lacoste clothing adorned with new logos.

Javan rhinoceros.
Javan rhinoceros.

The product line will be available in limited quantities. Among the animals that will replace the crocodile for a short time will be, for example Sumatran tiger, black gibbon, kakapo, Javan rhinoceros and California porpoise.

The Lacoste project that was presented at Paris Fashion Week, prepares together with World Union for Conservation of Nature. The cooperation should last for three years. It is planned that they will be produced 1775 white polo shirts with new logos. The number of endangered species in the world is the same. The shirts will last 148 euros. All money from their sale will be donated to the World Environmental Protection Union, which will use these funds to help protect animals from extinction.

Which animal will adorn your new shirt?
Which animal will adorn your new shirt?

The company is to be commended for socially responsible behavior. Of course, if you want to buy Lacoste products with the original logo, you don't have to worry. It will still be possible.

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