

The cult group Laibach has performed around eight hundred performances all over the world since its foundation, from the west coast of the USA and Canada, all of Europe, all the way to Novosibirsk and Barnaul near the Mongolian-Kazakh border, and from Iceland in the north to Turkey in Asia Minor. Now also on...

Important information
Autocamp Katra, Autocamp Katra, Vinica
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Ticket price for the entire festival: 42 euros in advance.

The cult group Laibach has performed around eight hundred performances all over the world since its foundation, from the west coast of the USA and Canada, all of Europe, all the way to Novosibirsk and Barnaul near the Mongolian-Kazakh border, and from Iceland in the north to Turkey in Asia Minor. Now also at Schengenfest.

Nina Hagen

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