
Laibach Kunst

The creators of the Laibach group could hardly imagine a more suitable environment for the presentation of the large paintings created in recent years. The exhibition will be opened in the former locker room and washroom of the Velenje mine. Pictures with images of the cross and the industrial-mining red district in Zasavje will be presented. It's about zooming in...

Important information
Muzej premogovništva, Koro[ka cesta 68, Velenje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
1.5 euros

Ustvarjalci skupine Laibach bi si težko zamislili primernejši ambient za predstavitev velikih slik, nastalih v zadnjih letih. Razstava se bo namreč odprla v nekdanji slačilnici in umivalnici velenjskega rudnika. Predstavljene bodo slike s podobam križa in industrijsko-rudarskega rdečega revirja v Zasavju. Gre za povečavo malih črno-belih lesorezov iz prvih let delovanja skupine. 


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