The tragicomic character of Laila was created by Michaela Pavlátová, an Oscar-nominated, multiple-award-winning Czech director. Episodes from the life of a cute girl, whom she sometimes smiles at, but quickly sticks her tongue out at, a girl who would sometimes like to be a beauty, but at the same time is quite aware, ...
The tragicomic character of Laila was created by Michaela Pavlátová, an Oscar-nominated, multiple-award-winning Czech director. Episodes from the life of a cute girl, whom he sometimes smiles at, but soon after quickly sticks his tongue out at her, a girl who sometimes would like to be a beauty, but at the same time is well aware that the essence is elsewhere, a girl who adores drawing, filmmaking, poetry and chips, versatile puppet and theater creators Martina Maurič Lazar and Gregor Lorenci will transfer from the two-dimensional reality of animated films and comics to the three-dimensional reality of the theater stage without words, and the abundance of Milko Lazar's music and theatrical inventions.