
Lamborghini Terzo Millennio is a car for the third millennium

Lamborghini Terzo Millennio

The Lamborghini Terzo Millenio has technology in it that we will witness only in a few decades. The body of the car plays the role of battery and carbon fiber at the same time and repairs itself. No, it's not science fiction, experts are really working on innovations that will spice up the next generation of supercars.

In the center of a densely populated Boston, in the state Massachusetts, he introduced himself the new concept Lamborghini Terzo Millennio. Perhaps a bit unusual place to present such a car, but where better to present it than in campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lamborghini experts have connected with the greatest minds THE MYTH OF THE UNIVERSITY from the field of efficient energy storage and from the field of materials and composites. The name Terzo Millennio means the third millennium, with which Lamborghini wants to show in which direction the future of the car will move. This one will electrically driven and used new technologies, new materials and new knowledge.

They are electric motors hidden in wheels and so the designers had a completely free hand in the design of the car. This one is bold and optimized for what maximum aerodynamics and as soon as possible lower weight. The parts that do not need to be covered in the concept were left open so that the air has as much free path as possible to press the car to the ground. In the field of batteries, experts try to achieve as much as possible better efficiency, fast charging and longer lifespan. They are still aware of this in the concept, and that's how they are created batteries that are part of the body. New batteries can be very thin and shaped as desired. This eliminates the need for heavy cubic batteries in the bottom of the car. Because it's left carbon frame, the total weight of the body can be very light.

A body made of carbon is quite a challenge, because despite its strength, even carbon sometimes cracks or gets damaged. Lamborghini and MIT also collaborate in this area and they develop carbon fibers that would "heal" themselves. The car is supposed to control its carbon structure at all times and detected injuries or cracks in it. If the system detected any irregularity, it would “healing chemistry” trickled into nanotubes and repaired the structure. Although it sounds very improbable, such a system is supposed to really work. Thus, carbon fibers would also be used for more sensitive automotive elements, as they could be repaired on the fly, and at the same time further reduce the weight.

Lamborghini and MIT are working together to develop carbon fiber that would "heal" itself.
Lamborghini and MIT are collaborating and developing carbon fibers that would "heal" themselves.

It's a Lamborghini Terzo Millennio the result of the experiment, when you give the biggest tech experts a free hand and tell them to do the supercar of the future. It is difficult to talk about the timelines for when any technology will be available for everyday use. There must be only something that is the future of cars in electricity and that there is still much room for progress in the field of automotive batteries and materials.


Image gallery: Lamborghini Terzo Millennio

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