
Laptop "to" iPhone: a smartphone instead of a touchpad

iPhone MacBook hybrid

Tech giant Apple has filed a patent for a laptop that turns an iPhone smartphone into a MacBook laptop, and the phone folds right into the place of the touchpad.

About that, yes smartphones are increasingly displacing desktop computers or laptops, the sparrows are already chirping, but the laptop format is apparently still around for a while, so the phone will replace all its guts.


At least that's what he plans to do Apple, who filed an interesting laptop patent, where it is in place of the touchpad the smartphone space, which is actually all the hardware.

READ MORE: Even in 2016, Apple earned significantly more than the competition from the sale of smartphones

... tomorrow.
… tomorrow.

The phone screen will thus act as a touchpad with multi-stage pressure and as the 'engine' of a laptop, which by itself will be useless as a car without an engine.

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