
Large digital wallpapers for every room

How to make a big change in the interior with a small intervention? Why not with wallpapers that you can easily replace when you get tired of them.

A new collection of large digitally printed family photos Wallpower hears the name Wonders, because it is full of wonders. In the new collection Wallpower Wanders is Eijffinger moved even further away from classic photo murals. Large wall graphics or "Wallpower" wallpapers are much more than just a photo. Each motif is a story in itself, each detail a chapter. Photo montages that take us to a dream world, enlarged motifs of threads, singing birds on the wall in the living room, montages from world capitals,... The wallpapers are digitally printed on a base made of non-woven textiles (felt), which means that the installation is easy, since you apply the glue only on the wall. For ease of installation, Wallpower motifs consist of several wallpaper strips, which you stick to the wall in the indicated order and thus easily compose the whole picture. All motifs are 280 cm high and extend from the top of the wall to the floor, and the widths depend on the motifs themselves and range from 46 to 418 cm. Now quickly choose your motif...

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