
Laundroid – every housewife's dream – is a washing machine, dryer and ironing machine in one

Laundroid - an advanced household appliance that washes, dries and folds laundry

Laundroid is the dream of every housewife, as it is a washing machine, dryer and ironing machine in one! So no more nasty household chores like washing and ironing that seem like the work of Sisyphus. An advanced household appliance does all this for you. The dresses are operated, dried and even ironed! You'll just have to wear and get them dirty yourself! Oh, this life!

Laundroid they are every housewife's dream for three reasons. It is an advanced household appliance that is washing, drying and ironing machine in one! If you are looking for men the perfect gift for your loved one, is this product that they cooked up Panasonic (electronics manufacturer), Daiwa House (construction company) and Seven Dreamers (space technology), a dream selection and stock of indulgences.

Laundroid, which is a combination of words "launder" (wash and iron laundry) and "android" (like a robot), combines all the advantages of a washing machine, dryer and ironing board under one roof and with the left hand washes, dries and irons everything from t-shirts, trousers, shirts and skirts to towels. In addition, it has extremely compact dimensions and relies on an advanced computer with photographic analysis capability and robot. While the former takes care of identifying the types and types of clothes, the latter is responsible for what, in a few years, it will be said that this ('this' is meant as washing, drying, ironing and folding) used to be done by housewives. And if technology takes over more and more tasks from humans, which is not always the best, since we are becoming redundant, we can probably all agree that we will not complain about Laundroid.

READ MORE: How to properly wash jeans to make them last as long as possible? Tip: never in the washing machine!

Laundroid makes it possible quick wash and dry, and it will become a reality for households in 2016, but without the folding function that we mentioned a little earlier. This is coming "only" in 2020. The price for the device is not yet known, but we believe that many people will be willing to open their scrotum wide open just to get rid of these nasty housework.

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