
Hamper Hoops laundry basket - a good reason not to throw dirty laundry anywhere

Wham-O Hamper Basketball Hoop Laundry Basket

As a child (at least boys), you probably had a mini basketball hoop on the door or wall. You probably wouldn't defend yourself from this kind of throwing even now, and you don't have to, but you won't do it out of sheer boredom, but because it's your duty. This does not mean that you will change your career for a basketball player, but because you will come up with Hamper Hoops, a hoop basket in the shape of a basketball hoop. Because cleaning dirty laundry is your responsibility! Men are incorrigible "pigs" like dirty laundry, which usually lies everywhere, not just in the laundry basket. Now that you can put it away like a three-pointer, it might not land anywhere but the floor. Unless, of course, you're really bad at basketball.

17 euros could be a pretty good reason not to turn your bedroom floor into any more a minefield of dirty socks and panties. And yes girls, maybe it will laundry basket Hamper Hoops came off as a little childish in your bedroom/bathroom, but just think how childish he is when he leaves behind dirty laundry wherever it falls out of his hands. And how many angry looks will it save you when the man actually does their share in the household. The same goes for moms and their teens.

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Hamper Hoops is just an example of how housework to make it fun and make men act age appropriate, and teenagers, yes they develop a good habit.

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