
Law of attraction: 5 rules that will help you achieve everything you want

The Law of Positive Thoughts

Photo: envato

How to attract what you want into your life? Does the law of attraction work? How? Why? What do you need to do to make it happen?

The Law of Positive Thought has existed for thousands of years, but do you know how to use it? Would you like to fulfill some hidden or small wish, but you don't know how? What exactly does this mean and how can you put it into practice? You will find some answers to the questions in the written text.

Here are 5 ways to achieve what you want in life, how to attract the right things.

Focus your thoughts

If you are attracted to what you are focusing on, then you must be careful not to let your mind wander. We often become focused or overly focused on a single train of thought. You may spend days or weeks obsessing over things that make you anxious or depressed. This kind of obsessive thinking is exactly what the Law of Attraction is based on.


For example, you are stressed and your thoughts are thoughts around stress. In theory, this will only attract more stress. On the other hand, if you are optimistic and your thoughts are positive, and you are equally obsessed with the good things in your life, more positive things will attract you. If you are not sure why certain circumstances come into your life, look at what your thoughts are focused on.

The power of your confidence

The law of attraction only works if you truly believe that you deserve what you are trying to attract. As the theory goes, you attract what you think, which means you have to believe wholeheartedly that you deserve the thing.


People who successfully use the Law of Attraction have real, strong self-confidence and an unwavering belief that they can and will have anything they want. To attract who you are, you need to be confident.

Good things happen to everyone, even bad people

Good things seem to happen whether people deserve it or not. Using the law of attraction, good things happen to bad people because of their steadfast, unwavering faith. They honestly believe they deserve success.

The influence of karma

The law of karma also works on the principle that what you do attracts. Karma says that what you do will come back to you.

The law of attraction requires you to attract what you are through much more active methods, while karma works by taking an action and waiting for the universe to return something of equal value to you.


On the other hand, the law of attraction requires you to manifest what you want to attract. If your thoughts are positively focused on your goals, you will bring this good intention into the world around you and attract exactly what you desire most.

Combine thoughts and behaviors

To attract what you are, you must think, live, and be just that. For example, to attract career success, you need to act and think as if it has already been done.

Go to work with the pride of someone who has already achieved a promotion or certain successes. If you really want to attract something, your behavior must match your thoughts. You have to wake up every day and act like that's exactly what's going to happen. To attract what you are, you must be sure that you already are.


Self-doubt or feeling unworthy of achieving your dreams is enough to overshadow your outward self-confidence. To attract what you are, you must wholeheartedly believe in what you are.

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