
Leafs by Snoop: Rapper Snoop Dogg with marijuana products

Leafs by Snoop Marijuana Products

Snoop Dog does not hide his love for marijuana and now he has poured his passion into a business idea called Leafs by Snoop. It is a line of marijuana products such as chocolate, chewing gum, candies, peanut butter and dried marijuana, which he prepared in collaboration with the design agency Pentagram.

Leafs by Snoop it is a line of products with the essence of marijuana the famous American rapper Snoop Dogg, which he aborted together with the agency Pentagram. Snoop Dog never hid his love for marijuana, at the expense of legalization in more and more states of the United States of America (he started selling in Colorado, which is years 2013 the first to legalize marijuana) was able to turn his hobby and trademark into a profitable business.

READ MORE: The best gifts for marijuana lovers

As the famous rapper says, for 20 years uses marijuana and is a master at it, so his Leafs by Snoop products are the best we can get. In addition to products, Snoop Dogg has a website Merry Jane (affectionate name for marijuana) where you can find the best ways to use marijuana.

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