
Leave a man who is not afraid to lose you

Photo: envato

Walk away amid his mixed signals and confused actions. When he says one thing and thinks another. He confesses his feelings to you one day and ignores you the next? Are you his girlfriend behind closed doors, but he doesn't know you in public?

Is he selfish and putting himself above you? He's setting up an ultimate for you - is it him or nothing? He considers you as an option and you are not his priority?

He expects you to indulge his every whim and loses his temper when you refuse? He doesn't keep his promises and betrays your trust? Does he repeatedly show you how little you mean to him?

Does he keep quiet when you ask him what you mean to him? You know his silence, it tells you everything you need to know. Go away!

Walk away when he wants you to disrespect yourself. When you wish you were someone else, someone you would love.

Just leave. Photo: Velvet Morris/Unsplash

Have you started to despise yourself and tell yourself that you are not beautiful enough, smart enough and good enough? Does he make you feel small around him and does he constantly look down on you? Does he put you in impossible situations that make you helpless and disappointed in him?

Leave when you start hating yourself because of him, because you can't resist his words, because you believe everything he says, and because you love him against your better judgment.

Choose to love yourself instead of someone who can't and won't love you. Realize that all the love you need resides in your heart.

Believe that you are worth more than what he offers you and how he treats you.

Be yourself. Live your life, forge your own path as you follow your dreams boldly and fearlessly. Walk away because he's not your story.

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