
Lecture from the series "First Tuesday of the month": From Trisul to Makalu (1960 - 1975) - accompanied by the goddess

The lecturer will talk about the preparations for the first Slovenian Himalayan expedition to the Indian Trisul and about the pride of our nation in following this route and the mountaineering successes of the expedition. After the initial Trisul, the Slovenian Himalayans climbed to the top of the world: the peaks dedicated to the highest Hindu goddess. ...

Important information
National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova, Metelkova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free entry

The lecturer will talk about the preparations for the first Slovenian Himalayan expedition to the Indian Trisul and about the pride of our nation in following this route and the mountaineering successes of the expedition.
After the initial Trisul, the Slovenian Himalayans climbed to the top of the world: the peaks dedicated to the highest Hindu goddess. With the daily reports of journalist Zoran Jerin, the entire Slovenian nation was involved in the Himalayan events.

About the lecturer: Dušica Kunaver, wife of alpinist and leader of six Himalayan expeditions, Aleš Kunaver, closely followed the events in Slovenian Himalayanism for several decades. By profession, she is a professor of English and Russian, a lecturer and a writer.

The lecture takes place at the exhibition Slovenia discovers the Himalayas. The legacy of Zoran Jerin and 50 years since the expedition to Trisul.

Free entry.

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