
Lecture on preventive examinations against breast cancer

In pink October - the month of the fight against breast cancer, the Lj Nike Rotary Club invites you to a lecture on preventive examinations or. diagnosing the disease.

Important information
Plaza Hotel
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Early detection of the disease is crucial. She will lead the lecture Mrs. Andreja Rajh, ing. radiology and spec. BreastScan diagnostics. He will give his opinion M.Sc. Stanko Pušenjak, Ph.D. med., spec. gynecology and obstetrics from UKC - Maternity Hospital Ljubljana. We expect that the oncologist and others invited to socialize with us will also respond to the invitation.

You are invited to a lecture at Hotel Plaza.
You are invited to a lecture at Hotel Plaza.

Info Box

Report your participation at rotarynike@gmail.com

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