
The legendary Bulli – Volkswagen Type 2 – as a lamp

Bulli as a lamp

Bulli lovers, beware! Now you can also think of the legendary Volkswagen Type 2 van as a lamp! There are quite a few cars in the world that have marked many generations, but among vans there is only one such legend - the Bulli. This was sold in Europe in the sixties and seventies (from 1967 to 1979) and has many followers in the world.

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VW Campervan Mood Light
The price

Because you will do Bulli difficult to find in life size, as it is the real thing collector's item, you have a great alternative in ambient lamps, which will conjure up some of that nostalgic spirit that it exudes Volkswagen Type 2 van.

READ MORE: Volkswagen Budd-e: the famous Bull for the 21st century

A case of official product, burned by the Germans. VW lamp has LED bulbs, which change color, and it works on touch and will be a pleasant addition to your home.

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