
Lego pays tribute to the women of NASA - now also as Lego figures

Nasa women as Lego figures

Women have played one of the key roles in the history of the space program. Nevertheless, their stories are too often silenced. Recently, the movie Hidden Figures said something, and now the Danish toy manufacturer Lego is also paying tribute to female astronauts, engineers and scientists and their contribution.

After the proposal is about the kit Lego bricks on the topic of key NASA women achieved more than 10 thousand supporters on Legos is a site that collects ideas – this is the sieve that means placement in the next round – is Danish Lego announced his arrival a set of NASA women.

Katherine Johnson as a Lego figure.
Katherine Johnson as a Lego figure.

The final design is not yet known, but will include female engineer figures Margaret Hamilton (she developed the software for the Apollo missions to the Moon), scientists Katherine Johnson (mathematician and physicist whose life is portrayed in the film Hidden factors), female astronauts Sally Rider (the first American woman in space), female astronomers A Nancy Grace Novel (she helped design the Hubble telescope) and Mae Jemison (the first African-American woman in space).

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: Hidden Figures (2016)

Lego said that the set - Nasa's women he chose from twelve propositions amateur designs – inspiring, but also offers a great gaming experience. The kit will be available in 2018, when the price will also be known.

Gallery - key women from NASA's history in portrait form:

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