
Let's Doodle: make your own custom hoodie

Want to become truly unique? Let's Doodle is a brand that allows us to participate in the very process of designing clothes. So we can always wear what we love. And how is that possible? Simple! By clicking on their website, you can make a custom-made hoodie - you can choose from different lengths, models, colors and prints. Slovenians Nejc Stupan and Nina Dodlek are behind the brand.

We already know that we are unique. And now we have the opportunity to with the brand Let's Doodle let's explore our style, find out what we really like and then choose our own favorite color combination.
On the website of the organic fashion brand Let's Doodle, we find beautiful handmade hoodies, which can be custom ordered. This means that alone we choose the model, length, colors and print.

This is how we choose a model of a hooded sweater at Let's Doodle.
This is how we choose a model of a hooded sweater at Let's Doodle.

They focus to every detail, because they want the clothes to last as long as possible. They use it at work 100% cotton from Portugal (where they are located) and thus support local farmers and families.

"Hoodies" are made of 100% cotton.
"Hoodies" are made of 100% cotton.

With an alternative approach to this 'fast fashion' they want change the way we consumers shop.
The Let's Doodle brand is owned by Slovenians and textile engineers Nejc Stupan and graphic designer Nina Dodlek.

Design your own "hoodie"!
Design your own “hoodie”!

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