
A letter from a broken man to his ex-girlfriend: "I loved you wildly, but I let you down..."

Although the rule of thumb for men (unfortunately) is often "the less emotional, the more macho", one man took the courage to write a letter to his ex-girlfriend.

The letter became a hit on social networks and reminded us once again that a man's strength lies in his ability to admit his mistakes and tell his beloved often enough "I love you".

I wanted to be with her. I really wanted to pick her. She was an amazing woman, smart, witty, sensual and sexy. Her sense of humor made my whole body shake with laughter and her exotic beauty could instantly cloud my mind.

I was happiest in the morning when I woke up with her in my arms. I loved her wildly.

Unfortunately, like many young couples, our not knowing how to love at all created stressful challenges in our relationship. My blissful mornings turned into tense, immature situations of everyday life together. And I began to wonder if there was a woman somewhere who would be easier to love and who would love me even more.

As the months passed and this thought occupied me more and more, I decided less and less about it. Every day, for five years.

I stayed with her. But I gave up. We both suffered.

Choosing her would mean that I would focus every day on the wonderful things she has brought into my life that I can be grateful for: her laughter, sensuality, playfulness, friendship and more.

Unfortunately, it was often difficult or almost impossible for me to enjoy - or even notice - all that was so wonderful about her.

I focused too much on the anger, insecurity, longing and other aspects of her strong personality that affected me. The more I focused on the worst in her, the more I noticed and therefore reacted to it with my worst behavior. All this made our relationship even worse, and that's why I made less and less decisions for her.

I stayed with her. But I gave up. We both suffered.

She fought hard for him to choose her, to make up his mind about her. But it was in vain. You can't make someone choose you, even if they love you.

I realize now that she was often angry because she didn't feel safe with me. She felt that I was making less decisions every day with my words and actions, and she was afraid that I would leave her.

And I left her.

But I actually let her down because every day, for five years, I focused on what bothered me instead of what I loved about her.

Like a rare and delicate flower that I brought home with pride and then stopped watering, too many times I left her alone to wither in the embers of our intimate relationship.

Always choose the best in the woman you love. Choose it completely.

If you're in a relationship, ask yourself this question: "Why will I choose my partner again today?"

If you can't find a good answer, look deeper and find it. For in the deepest truths the heart may not even have a reason.

If too much time passes and you can't figure out why you would choose to be with your partner every day and your relationship is full of stress, let them go. Make room for someone else to enter your life that you can choose each day.

Because the people we love deserve to choose only the best from them. Everyday!

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