
Life always gives you back what you give it!

This instructive story is worth remembering from time to time...

A man and his son were walking on a mountain. Suddenly the boy tripped over a rock and shouted: "Aaaahhhhh!" It echoed from the mountain: "Aaaahhhhh!"

He shouted curiously: "Who are you?" It echoed from the mountain: "Who are you?"

The boy got angry and shouted: "Coward!" The voice answered: "Coward!"

The boy looked at his father and asked: "Dad, what's going on?"

"Pay attention," said the father, shouting: "I admire you!" The voice answered: "I admire you!"

Father said: "You are beautiful!" And the voice repeated: "You are beautiful!"

The boy stopped in surprise as he did not know what was happening.

His father explained: "People call it echo, but it's really life. Life always gives you back what you give. If you want more love, give more love. If you want more good, give more good. If you want understanding, try to understand others. If you want people to be patient with you and respect you, then you must also be patient with people and respect them.”

This rule applies to all aspects of life... Life always gives you back what you give!

The course of your life is not an accident. It is a mirror of your actions.

Life always gives you back what you give it!

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