You are never liked by everyone and at times you are not even liked by yourself.
At first you feel that you have to please others to make yourself feel better, but over time you realize that this is not the case.
You find that you are losing yourself. Lose your self in order to please thousands of other persons who would not move a stone for you. They will never open up to you or do for you what you would do for them.
When you enter a vicious cycle of pleasing others, you eventually find yourself dependent on their thinking.
You don't know how to live any other way. You are losing your sense of existence.
Photo: Pexels
You believe in your mental illusion that tells you that they care about you, but eventually these people show you their true colors through their behavior. They only care about themselves. But you lose your dreams because you conform to their dreams. Lose your feelings because you don't want to hurt them. You lose your feelings because you have to adjust them to theirs - and you end up wondering why you're unhappy.
Life only begins when you stop pleasing others. But it sometimes takes half a lifetime to come to this realization.
And then you wonder why you didn't understand it earlier.
You may have thought that you are doing this because you are a person with a big heart and need to help others. But sooner or later you realize that this does not fulfill anyone's desires, neither yours nor theirs. What you do doesn't matter to them at all, because if they don't get it from you, they will look for a new victim.
Look within yourself, think from the perspective of your own heart.
Only when you start respecting yourself will you be able to respect others. Find your happiness in the opportunities that life gives you by allowing yourself to start over every day, no matter how many mistakes you made yesterday.
You don't need to keep all the people you meet in your life. Just keep your uniqueness, originality and the real ones will stay by your side.