
There's only one life: the dangerous things you do in your car and don't know it

There's only one life: the dangerous things you do in your car and don't know it

The number of traffic safety awareness campaigns is increasing, but many drivers do not take measures to make their driving safer. Many drivers pay too much attention to food, drink, and modern technology while driving, and there are other dangerous things you do while driving that you don't know about.

When we talk about security in traffic, everyone remembers telephone calls, browsing the web and recording videos or photos. It's absolutely true that the phone is the devil, but there are many other undesirable things that you do while driving and don't even know it. Keep in mind that with your actions you are endangering your life and the lives of other people!

Dangerous things you do in your car and don't know it...

Feet on the dashboard

Feet on the dashboard.
Feet on the dashboard.

If you like to put your feet on the dashboard, it's time to kick the habit. If a car accident happens, the person sitting in that place and in that position is supposed to take the worst of it. When the airbag deploys, there's a good chance it will push your legs into your face, which could lead to horrific injuries. In this position, you have less control over your body, which makes it impossible to prevent injuries.

Getting dressed

You may have only seen it in the movies, but some people actually do it while driving they change clothes. This is supposed to be dangerous. Imagine that you are putting on a shirt and it gets stuck, or you are putting on socks and you bend too far towards your feet... What can happen in one second?

Many people also have a habit of keeping spare clothes in their car (in case they get too hot or too cold). It's probably better to adjust the temperature in your car or stop at a rest stop and dress as comfortably as possible.

Sleeping passenger

Sleeping passenger.
Sleeping passenger.

Sitting in the passenger seat and planning to sleep? Bad idea! Everyone has probably heard about the scientifically proven fact about the contagious nature of yawning. Juergen Zulley, a sleep researcher and professor of biological psychology, says that passengers who sleep in the passenger seat they can make the driver drowsy …, which in turn leads to an accident.

Operating the vehicle with elbows or knees

Many people are doing various things while driving – eating, applying makeup, rummaging through the drawer or purse, so their hands are not free. This is when driving with knees or elbows begins. Clearly, this is not supposed to be safe. Even when you were taking the test, you learned that you have to keep your hands on the steering wheel because it's supposed to be that safe.


Animals in the car.
Animals in the car.

Transporting pets in the car it is not controversial, but these, if they are not properly installed in the car, can cause an accident. While driving, the most dangerous thing is for your pet to sit on your lap. Even if the pet is sitting in the passenger seat, make sure that it is really still, because there is a good chance that it will distract you, because animals are unpredictable.


Reading while driving is probably not one of the smartest things you can do in a car. Texting is considered dangerous, but reading is said to be even worse, as it is said to greatly affect your concentration due to getting too deep into the content of the book.

Phone, Fridays and singing

Using the phone while driving.
Using the phone while driving.

There is probably no need to devote words to Fridays, the phone or singing, because many people have always pointed out the dangers caused by inappropriate footwear, singing and the use of smart technology.

For women, it is better to have a spare pair of shoes in the car to wear while driving. Driving a car with fifth wheels is said to be dangerous, as the fifth wheel can get stuck somewhere while driving.

Singing can affect how you feel, as you can become too excited or burdened by the music.

In research they determine, that excessive phone use affects slower reaction time.

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