
Life Lessons: How Wrong Decisions Teach Us The Right Lessons

Photo: Kate M / Unsplash

You make mistakes. You made the wrong decision. It's not the first and it won't be the last. You will be wrong again. That's life. It is built from mistakes.

When you make mistakes, you don't listen to your inner voice. The sixth sense. Although you make mistakes even when you listen to yourself. Are you wondering why? Have you really listened to your intuition? And, if you did, why was it the wrong decision? Was it even a mistake?

Do you know that wrong decisions force you to turn on your brain, to open your mind, to consult your heart, and to put yourself back together? You grow from mistakes, you think and act in a different way. Everything wrong happened with a purpose and serves a purpose.

Have you fallen in love with a person who hurt you? Did you trust the wrong person? Did you believe that this person was your friend and would keep your secrets?

You took one wrong step that led to the next. You messed up so much that you have to stop and end the relationship or business project and start over. And on this new path of recovery, you will have to forgive a lot - both yourself and others.

You have taken a wrong step! Photo: Jason Yoder/Unsplash

Maybe you have some bitterness left in you, maybe blaming yourself for putting so much energy into the wrong projects, people, relationships. You may feel that life has betrayed you, that everything has gone in the wrong direction, that you don't belong in that story.

You feel like you wasted the best years of your life because you didn't know you could think, analyze, and understand in a different way. You needed lessons!

Life lessons aren't written in a manual, you can't learn them without experiencing them. They are not something you can read and learn. You can't avoid them.

You enter the experience because you are curious, inspired, because you are drawn and passionate. You enter it with a compromise, either because you're not sure what you want, or because you want to fulfill someone's wish. Or maybe you don't know how to set boundaries, or maybe you don't think at all and don't listen to anyone.

You can't fake life's lessons. You can't take them away. You have to experience them.

Every mistake brought you closer to yourself, closer to what you can and should be, and you couldn't get there by shortcuts and easy ways.

Every lesson comes with a purpose! Photo: Crystalweed Cannabis/Unsplash

Sometimes it seems to you that in life you have had more mistakes, failures, temptations to which you have succumbed, disastrous outcomes and senseless haste than pleasures and joys.
Many things have happened to you and you have become a little wiser, but you have not become immune to making wrong decisions.

You still make mistakes. And you still will. But do you notice that now you need less time to find out where and what you went wrong? Learn faster. It's easier to admit your mistakes.

The more honestly you face your shortcomings, the more willing you are to follow the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Forgive yourself and others more easily. And that is priceless.

Thank you for all the lessons. And when you feel grateful, you are closer to yourself and better to yourself and love yourself and your life more.

We wouldn't trade our experiences. And that counts. Experience brings you wealth, it is the result of your mistakes - everything is fine, you did nothing wrong. You did everything exactly as needed!

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