
Life with a lion

A lion is not exactly a common pet, as it is not exactly known as an animal that can be tamed. But Tippi Hedren, star of Hitchcock's The Birds, and her family chose him. In 1969, when Tippi was filming a movie in Africa, she and her husband noticed an abandoned house that lions had taken as their home. Upon returning to America, she and her husband decided to make a film about this experience, with which she wanted to draw attention to their danger.

Lions are not the most tame animals, but if we want to really know them, we have to live with them, was the advice the Marshall family received from an animal trainer. Tippi Hedren, her husband Noel Marshall and their daughter, a famous actress Melanie Griffith, it's been like that for years 1971 got a new roommate, Neil the Lion. Due to complaints, they soon moved to a secluded one ranch in California, where they filmed the movie Roar, in which the whole family performed, and Noel and Tippi also signed the script, direction and production.

Melanie when she was 19 and her pet Neil.
Melanie when she was 19 and her pet Neil.

Under the working title Lions, Lions and More Lions but Neil was not the only actor among the animals, as the "cast" numbered quite a few 150 wild cats, which is to this day the largest private "collection" these wild species of animals. The costs of making the film were also suitable for this. 17.5 million dollars, but the film was far from profitable, bringing in only 2 million at the box office.

Who needs a pillow when you have a lion.
Who needs a pillow when you have a lion.

READ MORE: Top 10: The most expensive animals in the world

Families is a film that was released in 1981, it didn't just cost a lot of money, the lion's share also contributed to the divorce, and Melanie got a lioness attack as a souvenir during the filming 50 stitches on the face. It also suffered damage 70 other members of the film crew. Although the film dried up the family budget and tore up the marriage, it still brought something good. Hendrenova opened the door after him a shelter for abused wild animals.

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