
Literature vs. Traffic: 10 thousand books took over the street

A Toronto street was flooded with books.

Random passers-by were greeted by an unusual scene on Hagerman Street in Toronto. Luzinterruptus, an anonymous art group from Spain, which is famous for interventions in public spaces (similar to our Prostoroževka), covered the street with ten thousand books!

Anonymous Art Group Luzinterruptus is a street in a Canadian city Toronto covered with books.

When literature stops traffic.
When literature stops traffic.

Literature vs. Traffic (literature against traffic) is not their first such intervention in urban space, with which they wanted to interrupt pedestrian traffic and bother with books.

READ MORE: A collection of poems created by Slovenian men and women in one day has been published

Street Hagerman Street were literally overwhelmed by the books, as there were quite a few of them lying there ten thousand. Random passers-by can take them read on the spot and finally take them home with them. All books were donated by the association Salvation Army. Interested in people's reactions? Check them out in the attached clip.

Literature vs. Traffic – 10 thousand books took over the street:

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