
Little Rooster – alarm clock vibrator for orgasmic awakening

Alarm clock vibrator

Hate the alarm clock? Hate waking up early? Few people enjoy getting up in the morning. Little Rooster can help you with this. It is an alarm clock that is also a vibrator. Women can replace annoying ringing with gentle vibrations, so that waking up from now on will be a much more pleasant, even orgasmic experience.

Many have tried, but so far no alarm clock has made getting up early a truly pleasant experience. Until he came Little Rooster. An alarm clock that is also a vibrator and which will make it much easier for you ladies to get up in the morning than before. Even with a smile on his face. Place the device in the panties (the special design allows the alarm remains in place at all times, whether you're still tossing and turning throughout the night) - first of course, don't forget to set the alarm clock - and instead of ringing, they will wake you up gentle vibrations, which will become more and more intense over time.

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Who would have thought that waking up to an alarm clock could be so easy orgasmic experience, but thanks to the Little Rooster alarm clock, it is exactly that.

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