
Live the game of life on your own terms

Be who you are, everything else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

No matter what thoughts run through your head, never forget that you are stronger than you think you are. Let it resonate through every cell of your body, especially when weakness creeps into your life. Don't let these moments of weakness take away your strength.

You are strong because you always get back up when you fall on the road of life. You survive all the falls, all the loops that life throws at you, because you know that you have the ability to step over them.

When the words or actions of toxic people begin to seep into your mind, remove yourself from their negativity. Go away, leave them in the past. Don't drown in something where you can't see the surface. Where there is nothing for the waves to lift you to the surface. Where there is no end in sight and where there is no way to the light.

They can belittle you, criticize you, try to cast doubt on your worth, you will always rise above their disrespectful words. You will find your way back, the way to where you feel happy.

The only person you have to answer to is you. And only you can find the connection with yourself. Nobody else.

If you are gentle and quiet, there is nothing wrong with that, strength does not come from those who constantly talk and are loud. If they don't understand you, with your head held high and without raising your voice, walk away. Be what you are. Don't let them change you.

Stand up for those who can't speak for themselves. Don't turn your back on them. Show them that the power lies in helping others find their way forward, not in dragging them down. Offer them a hand when they fall, even if they never gave it to you themselves, and ask nothing in return.

The only person you have to answer to is you.

You've already had your heart broken and you've figured out how to put its pieces back together. You do not allow pain and a wounded soul to close your opportunities for happiness and love. You decided that love will win over hate. You decided to deserve the love you tried to give to someone else, exactly like that, sincere, mischievous and smiling.

In a world of constant competition and judgment, you are a woman who lives the game of life on her own terms. You are you and you are enough for yourself.

Don't try to be anyone else like you, if that's not good enough for others, say goodbye to them politely.

Don't pretend to be someone just to please others. Never. Be yourself, you are the most beautiful. Then you shine in all your beauty. You are beautiful and strong, just the way you are.

You are a hurricane. You are a storm. You are a raindrop. You are a cloud. You are the sun. You are the moon. You are a smile.

There will be moments of chaos. Moments when you will cry. Moments when your soul will hurt. But eventually, all these experiences will make you realize that pain is always followed by sunlight. And you're the one who always picks yourself up no matter the situation and keeps your head held high.

You grow and learn to be the best version of yourself and live the game of life on your terms.

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