
Lively New Year's Eve events on the streets of local urban centers

We searched for what was happening on the streets of urban centers. So what interesting things will happen in Ljubljana, Kranj, Maribor, Celje, Koper, Novi Mesto, Velenje, Kamnik?

For the New Year at home? No problem, urban centers offer quite a few reasons to have a good time. If we start in the capital, is on New Year's Eve in Ljubljana happening on Congress, Mestne Pogačarjev trg and the French Revolution Square. Happening on Congress square is intended for the widest range of visitors and all generations - we will be entertained by Samuel Lucas, Tanja Žagar and Čuki. For the middle-aged generation, the events on City square, this year to the rhythms of Nuša Derenda and Alenka Godec. Lovers of popular and folk music will find themselves at Pogačarjev trg, where the Toplar Ensemble, Andreja and the Kolovrat Ensemble will perform. Stage on Square of the French Revolution but this year it is dedicated to rock artists, Clockwork Psycho, Ludovik material, Demolition group and Zaria will perform.

For those who don't like the smell of Ljubljana's city streets, there are a few alternatives. For show lovers – performances in the City Theater of Ljubljana, Drama and Opera have been sold out for a long time, so (for now) we can see some interesting things in Cankarjev dom. On New Year's Eve, the Gallus Hall hosts the artistic circus La Verita, and film lovers will be able to see The Scent of Love in the Linhart Hall. If we jump a little outside of Ljubljana, it will be in the Špas theater in Menge on New Year's Eve Udar po moško 2.

Partygoers who do not have enough variety in the streets may be satisfied with what is happening on Metelkovi. In Jalli Jalli, a Funky&Disco New Year's Eve club night is expected, and in Gala Hala, Santa Claus will be playing at the New Year's Breakdown concert: the hustlers themselves.

A jump to the Gorenja capital reveals that in Kranj ushered in the new year traditionally - with fireworks and the Viennese waltz. New Year's Eve in Kranj wraps up all the events taking place in different locations with one joint New Year's Eve at The main square, this time in the company of Helena Blagna and Saša Avsenika's ensemble. For fans of theater art in Prešeren's theater they are preparing the comedy Sen.

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2014 will be here soon. Where will you celebrate it?

If via Kamnika let's go against what's happening on Styrian, let's mention New Year's Eve on Main square in Kamnik to the rhythms of Trio Špica.

V Maribor a big New Year's Eve party is being prepared on Leona Štuklja square. This year, visitors will be entertained by Happy Ol'McWeasel, Alya and the Karneval band. As part of the fairy town, the Maribor National Center will host a New Year's Eve party for children with the magician Sam Sebastian in the afternoon. V SNG Maribor Verdi's La Traviata will be on the program at five in the afternoon.

V Celje like every year, they are also preparing an outdoor New Year's Eve party this time, it will be lively on Krek square. For children, a New Year's Eve party will be held in Fairytale Land (it is located on Krekov trg), while adults will be entertained by the Rok'n'band band at the same location in the evening.

Also in Velenje they are preparing a children's New Year's Eve party, for the slightly older ones the central New Year's Eve party will be interesting Tito's square with Gadi, Manca Špic and Vagabundi, and KD Gledališče Velenje is preparing a New Year's Eve performance entitled Dvojni aksel.

V Dill they are preparing an event with Kopro in the new year. In the evening, Rudi Bučar, Ne me jugat and Stina will entertain those present in the Taverna. Throughout the day, there will be workshops for children in the Winter Village, and Santa Claus will also come. If we take a peek from the theater side, the Koper Theater will host Sarajevo's Kamerni teater 55 and their Lubezen.

Dolenjska capital on New Year's Eve she won't stand still either. Jože Tisu - DJ Long will start to warm the atmosphere on the big stage on the main square in Novi mesto, and half an hour before midnight he will be replaced by Pero Lovšin, who will usher in the new year together with the visitors.

Photo: Dunja Wedam

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