
Living literature

Connecting music and literature brings to Ljubljana's Gornja trg a relaxed interaction with literature, its authors and the creativity that comes from it. We will meet the Belgian William Cliff, the Indian Arti NH and the Cuban Rodolfo Häsler, who were chosen by Brane Mozetič. Joining these...

Important information
in front of ŠKUC, Gornji trg, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Connecting music and literature brings to Ljubljana's Gornja trg a relaxed interaction with literature, its authors and the creativity that comes from it. We will meet the Belgian William Cliff, the Indian Arti NH and the Cuban Rodolfo Häsler, who were chosen by Brane Mozetič. They are joined by five young Slovenian writers who were recognized by the rising star Vesna Lemaić. Each of the chosen ones will of course be accompanied by music.

WFC 14

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