
LJFW 2016: fashion designer Ana Jelinič

My fashion path was already accompanied by coincidences when I enrolled at the Secondary School of Design. Fashion design was never my first choice. I wanted to become an industrial designer, an architect or a graphic designer, even a dental technician. Throughout my schooling, I kind of resisted fashion, but I always ended up right here and enjoyed creating over and over again. In the end, I just gave in and surrendered to the fate that I would obviously become a fashion designer and that this would be my profession. I have no regrets today. I opened my studio last year with the savings from the scholarship I received during my studies.

What does a presentation at LJFW mean to a designer?
If you work in Slovenia, an invitation to LJFW is an opportunity that you simply have to take advantage of. LJFW is practically the only such event at this level in Slovenia. Practically everyone who means something in the field of fashion gathers here, and the presentation of their new collections is a must. Participating at LJFW is also a pleasure for me, because it's where we meet friends - socializing is also an important element.

Inspiration, an idea for the autumn-winter 2016 collection?
The story of the collection is about a girl who dreams of mystical experiences of timelessness. It stands up to today's world that wants to tame us and keep us under pure control. Freedom!

READ MORE: LJFW 2016: Ljubljana Fashion Week - Ljubljana Fashion Week 2016

Collection of Ana Jelinčič (Photo: Dušan Smolnikar)
Collection of Ana Jelinčič (Photo: Dušan Smolnikar)

The title of the collection?
798 Hz.

How many times at fashion weeks?
I presented at LJFW the first year it took place, and since then at least once a year. During my studies, I participated in the Ljubljana Fashion Week as part of the NTF magazine. Later, I presented myself as part of the Squat association. This time last year, I presented myself for the first time.

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