
LJFW 2019: third day lively and full of fresh fashion trends

On the third day of LJFW 2019, Fužinski grad was bursting at the seams with enthusiastic visitors, creative energy and fresh fashion trends.

The third day of fashion shows on LJFW 2019 we were able to see the stamp collections Julie Kaje Hrovat (JKH), Simone Kogovšek, Renate Bedene, David Bacali, Prik, Sanija Reje Aske, Princip and Artpump, Patricia Pie, Made and Anselma (in collaboration with Alpina) and Mateyaneira. The evening ended with thunderous applause, which was received by the fashion show Singing Zorec. The latter impresses every year at LJFW with her collections, which have been recognized and loved abroad as well. Petja's selection of models also attracted special attention, as they also walked the runway, among others Duci Bednjanec and Huberta Široka.

The venue will move to a new location this evening. We are waiting for the fashion performance of the collection Matej Benedetti, which will take place in Fotopub's project space, to the former gas station by architect Milan Mihelič from 1968. At the venue, you will also be able to see Jakub Jansa's exhibition entitled Club of Opportunities Ep. 6: Ten Years Night.

Gallery: LJFW – Day 3

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