
Ljubljana Beach Volley Challenge 2016 – beach volleyball for the third time on Kongresni trg

Ljubljana Beach Volleyball Challenge 2016

The biggest spectacle in beach volleyball in Slovenia is approaching. Ljubljana Beach Volley Challenge 2016 will take place between July 28 and 30, 2016, when Kongresni trg will once again turn into a beach in the middle of Ljubljana, not long after hosting a 150-meter water slide. World-class volleyball players are coming to visit again, so there will be no shortage of top volleyball this time either.

Important information
Congress square, Ljubljana
Entrance fee
No information

At the end of July 2016, it will be held on Congress Square for the third time in a row Ljubljana Beach Volleyball Challenge, an unprecedented volleyball spectacle. Tournament Ljubljana Beach Volleyball Challenge 2016 will open Thursday's finals in all youth categories (they will compete for national championship titles), and continue an international tournament with the largest cash pool until now.

READ MORE: Motovun Film Festival 2016

Beach volleyball is returning to Kongresni trg.
Beach volleyball is returning to Kongresni trg.

The Beach Volley Challenge volleyball tournament, which quickly became famous even outside our borders, will accompany it rich companion program (animations, free training for elementary school students, prize games and night entertainment), so again this year the Congress Square at this time (this time between July 28 and 30, 2016) will be too small for everyone. Well, at least the stands, which were bursting at the seams both times.

The Ljubljana Beach Volley Challenge is also a night spectacle.
The Ljubljana Beach Volley Challenge is also a night spectacle.

Program of the volleyball tournament Ljubljana Beach Volley Challenge 2016:

Thursday, July 28, 2016, from 10:00 a.m.:

  • finals of the national championship in all youth categories

Friday, July 29, 2016, from 10:00 a.m.:

  • men: 4 groups of 3 teams
  • women: 4 groups of 3 teams

Saturday, July 30, 2016, from 3:00 p.m.:

  • 15.00 women, first and second semi-finals
  • 17:00 men, first and second semi-finals
  • 19:00 women, for 3rd place
  • 20:00 men, for 3rd place
  • 21:00 women's final
  • 22:00 men's final

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