
Ljubljana, host of the first regional conference on bitcoin

With its strategic position, Slovenia is definitely not an elephant in the porcelain trade, as European metropolises are within reach, so it is no wonder that the Ljubljana Hotel Slon will host the first international Bitcoin conference. Half a decade after the creation of this digital currency, which offers fast transactions and minimal transaction costs, between September 11 and 12, many global experts from different backgrounds will gather in our capital with their visions of Bitcoin.

Important information
Hotel Slon
Entrance fee

Proximity European metropolises was the tip of the scales that is Slovenia received the honor of hosting the first regional Bitcoin conference and it isn't for the first time in history, when our country proved to be important node European, due to the dependence of countries on each other, and today, also global economic routes.

Will the bitcoin currency spew even more fire after the conference in Ljubljana?
Will the bitcoin currency spew even more fire after the conference in Ljubljana?

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Lectures by lawyers, entrepreneurs and investors from all over the world they will be swirling around educating users about bitcoin, as decentralized cryptographic currency still slightly achy and all this lecturing cream is coming to the conference to 'raise' the medicine she was prescribed and which will put her back on her feet once and for all - i.e. confidence of users.

Not only data and programs, money is also moving to the 'cloud' and bitcoin is living proof.
Not only data and programs, money is also moving to the 'cloud' and bitcoin is living proof.

At the same time, listeners will get an insight into the self the guts of the bitcoin ecosystem, and experts will try to wash away the stigma attached to it with a presentation, among other things successful business practices, with unfolding business models and opportunities and new ones technologies, but also tried to find responses to challenges, which are brought into the global economy by the 'dowry' of bitcoin.

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Thursday, 11.9.2014, lectures from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
friday, 12.9.2014, lectures and a round table from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m

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