This year, the autumn running day around the city introduces several shorter runs aimed at younger people. On Saturday, elementary and high school students will run through the streets in a relaxed spirit, and even the youngest will take part in the Lumpa run. We can encourage them at 4 p.m. The next day, the distances will be a little longer, because...
Jesenski dan teka po mestu uvaja letošnje leto nekaj krajših tekov, namenjenih mlajšim. V soboto sebodo v sproščenem duhu po ulicah zapodili osnovno- in srednješolci, na Lumpi teku pa še najmlajši. Te lahko spodbujamo ob 16. uri. Naslednji dan bodo razdalje nekoliko daljše, saj bomo lahko tekli na rekreativnem teku ter seveda na polmaratonu in maratonu.