
Ljubljana Marathon 2011

This year, the autumn running day around the city introduces several shorter runs aimed at younger people. On Saturday, elementary and high school students will run through the streets in a relaxed spirit, and even the youngest will take part in the Lumpa run. We can encourage them at 4 p.m. The next day, the distances will be a little longer, because...

Important information
središče mesta in okolica, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Jesenski dan teka po mestu uvaja letošnje leto nekaj krajših tekov, namenjenih mlajšim. V soboto sebodo v sproščenem duhu po ulicah zapodili osnovno- in srednješolci, na Lumpi teku pa še najmlajši. Te lahko spodbujamo ob 16. uri. Naslednji dan bodo razdalje nekoliko daljše, saj bomo lahko tekli na rekreativnem teku ter seveda na polmaratonu in maratonu.

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